Sunday, September 6, 2009

Must Haves for 2009-2010

Wanna step your game up and spice up your wardrobe or swag a lil more?Then here's 8 must haves to do so.
1. The Blackberry- These are essential  for Navigation, News and Multimedia purposes.
2. Retro Style- This is the style from the 50's, 60's and 70's. Whichever way you wanna wear it, it depends on choosing the right pieces for yourself and wardrobe. Gives you an edge.
3. Bright Nails- We've seen celebrities such as Rihanna and Beyonce rock these. Trends such as graffiti and neon are definitely a stand out selection.
4. Glasses- Amber Rose loves to wear high fashion designer shades which makes an impression to teenagers and young adults......these are taking the fashion industry by storm.
5. Trade Mark Hairstyle- Define your look and be creative.
6. Torn up Jeans- Rocka Fab look is always a plus.
7. Liquid Leggings- The liquid look goes with anything....maybe a short skirt or a simple dress.
8. Booties or Brand name sneakers- Remember, shoes should be on point at all times to get attention you want and deserve. It can also bring out a boring lame outfit.
These Eight fashion tips will help you get an extra step on your ideal look.

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