Monday, September 14, 2009

Tremendous Trio at VMA'S 2009

OMG.......VMA'S 2009 was loaded with creative pieces from Lady Gaga to Amber Rose. These women always seem to draw attention wherever they go but who rocked the fashion best. Well we gotta give kudus to Katy Perry. The bitch was looking awesome wearing a cute, fitted shiny dress with spikes. Mrs Perry didn't go for a boring look but instead took a punk rocker version. She coped the best dressed title in my book. Hello, did you see those stilettos on Leighton Meester's feet..............super hotttttttttttttt. Those rocked with that tiny dress. I would say she looked fabulous and caught my vote for second best dressed. But you wondering, who would take the third best dress title..............well definitely Bey of course. That red ruffled dress looked great on her and that body was banging. So these three get a star from me.

1 comment:

  1. B third! stupse... STUPSE!!!! you see her bod in that dress!

    K to the C
